Saturday, April 24, 2010

Out on a limb

I think some of my most creative moments have been captured on this blog. Shame I dropped it for so long. Life gets hectic I guess.

Believe it or not I've been listening to music lately. I finished a Brian Setzer live album today and that guy can really play. I like his style, I mean, it's 2010 and the dude still dresses in zoot suits and stuff. I also like his big hollow body guitars.

Also, it should be noted that Cartel put out one of the best albums I've heard in a long time. It's called Cycles and I think everyone should at least listen to it. It's got so many great songs on it. Deep South alone should be blowing up the radio and it's not. Besides that, the kid can sing.

What's NOT cool in music. Owl City. Seriously, Ben Gibbard should be filing several copyright lawsuits on this kid. It's a blatant rip-off of Death Cab and The Postal Service and I hate that it's popular. It's crap.

I wish I had more time and more options. I would seriously love to have band practice on Saturday nights. The problem is I don't have anyone to have band practice with. I'm not looking to make it big or anything, but music has always been a big part of my life and since I've moved it hasn't been much bigger than me listening to a cd in the car. I own two guitars, a trumpet, a saxophone, and I can manage my way around a keyboard, but it all collects dust because I won't pick them up.

Hmm, blog took a downer. How am I gonna pick it back up. I'll just post Deep South. Makes me happy, and that's what this blog is about.